11. júní 2014

Útboð vegna Ísland - allt árið

Útboð vegna Ísland - allt árið
Ríkiskaup annast útboð vegna hönnunarsamkeppni annars vegar, og fjölmiðlabirtinga hins vegar, vegna fyrirhugaðrar framlengingar verkefnisins Ísland - allt árið sem Íslandsstofa sér um framkvæmd á fyrir hönd verkefnisstjórnar.

Ríkiskaup annast útboð vegna hönnunarsamkeppni annars vegar, og birtinga hins vegar, vegna fyrirhugaðrar framlengingar verkefnisins Ísland - allt árið sem Íslandsstofa sér um framkvæmd á. 

Hægt er að nálgast útboðsgögn og nánari upplýsingar á vef ríkiskaupa: (Hönnunarsamkeppni) (Birtingar)

Útboðsgögn eru á ensku. Meðfylgjandi er upprunaleg auglýsing frá Íslandsstofu um útboðið. Þar fyrir neðan má finna upptöku frá kynningarfundi sem fór fram síðastliðinn þriðjudag. 


15661 - Ísland allt árið - Inspired by Iceland, Design contest

The State Trading Center, on behalf of Promote Iceland, hereinafter called the BUYER invites proposals in an open Design Contest for the marketing initiative Ísland – allt árið / Inspired by Iceland. The initiative aims at an international, integrated two-year marketing campaign for the destination Iceland under the brand of Inspired by Iceland. Hereafter in this Design Contest document Inspired by Iceland refers to the marketing initiative Ísland – allt árið.

The request for design contest proposal is for: concept & strategy for the campaign, public relations, social media, design and production of marketing material.

Further information can be found in Section 2and 3 of the Contest document, that will be accessible on the State Trading Centres' website on Friday June 6th 2014. Tender document is only available in English

Open presentation meeting will be held on Tuesday June 10th, at 14:00, at Promote Iceland, Sundagardar 2, 104 Reykjavik, Iceland 7th floor. A live streaming of the presentation meeting can be found here: https://global.gotomeeting.com/meeting/join/151547165

Participants are encouraged to send enquiries during the contest period (within the enquiry deadline that expires on August 1st 2014) if they require further information or have any comments on the Design Contest documents.

Proposals, together with the requested information, shall be delivered to the State Trading Centre no later than August 14th 2014 at 11:00 hrs.
Proposals arriving after the specified submission deadline will not be accepted.

Design contest documents can be found on The State Trading  Center web http://www.rikiskaup.is/


15648 - Ísland allt árið - Inspired by Iceland, Media Planning & buying

The State Trading Center, on behalf of Promote Iceland, hereinafter called the BUYER request tenders for Media planning & buying for the marketing initiative Ísland – allt árið / Inspired by Iceland. The initiative aims at an international, integrated two-year marketing campaign for the destination Iceland under the brand of Inspired by Iceland. This tender is for the media planning and buying of advertising material.

Further information can be found in Section 2 and 3 of the tender document, that will be accessible on the State Trading Centres' website on Friday June 6th 2014. Tender document is only available in English.

Open presentation meeting will be held on Tuesday June 10th, at 14:00, at Promote Iceland, Sundagardar 2, 104 Reykjavik, Iceland 7th floor. A live streaming of the presentation meeting can be found here: https://global.gotomeeting.com/meeting/join/151547165

Tenderers are encouraged to send enquiries during the tender period (within the enquiry deadline that expires on August 1st 2014) if they require further information or have any comments on the tender documents.

Tenders, together with the requested information, shall be delivered to the State Trading Centre no later than August 14th 2014 at 11:00 hrs, where they will be opened in the presence of the tenderers who request to be present. Tenders arriving after the specified opening time will not be opened.

Tender documents can be found on The State Trading  Center web http://www.rikiskaup.is/

