Viðhorfskannanir til íslands sem áfangastaðar
Eftirfarandi viðhorfskannanir hafa verið gerðar fyrir tilstuðlan Íslandsstofu á erlendum mörkuðum til þess að mæla viðhorf til Íslands sem áfangastaðar á viðkomandi markaði.
Attitude towards Iceland among public in US, Canada, Denmark, UK, Germany and France - 2021
Attitude towards Iceland among public in US, UK and Germany - 2020
Eldri viðhorfskannanir:
Attitude towards Iceland among public in US, Canada, Denmark, UK, Germany and France, 2019
| Attitude towards Iceland among public in Denmark, UK, Germany and France, 2018 |
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Attitude towards Iceland among public in Denmark, UK, Germany and France, 2017 | Attitude towards Iceland among public in Denmark, UK, Germany and France, 2015 |
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Attitude towards Iceland among public in Denmark, UK, Germany and France, 2014 | Attitude towards Iceland among public in Denmark, UK, Germany and France, 2013 |
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Attitude towards Iceland among public in Denmark, UK, Germany and France, 2012 | Attitude towards Iceland among public in Denmark, UK, Germany and France, 2011 |
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Attitude towards Iceland among public in Denmark, UK, Germany and France, 2010 | Attitude towards Iceland among public in Denmark, UK, Germany and France, 2009 (íslenska) |